Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Poster OR Magazine Spread Project #3
Topic: Event in Northeast Ohio
¨Choose from:
¤2 posters (may be same or different events)
¤1 Magazine Spread (2 pages with gutter in mind)
¨Must include:
¤Consistent Color Scheme
¤Photography that has been edited for composition and to fit color scheme.
¤Interesting Text (YOU MUST WRITE CONTENT!)
¤Style that has consistent fonts, edges, textboxes, textures, backgrounds.
¤Using three times rule to tie composition together
¤Design easily moves eyes through composition to receive information. (movement)
Tools: You MUST use PHOTOSHOP, you MAY Choose to use any other Adobe Product.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Composition + Color Theory Assignments

Week of February 20th:
Directions for Color Theory & Composition Assignments

Assignment 1: Photoshop Review + Color Theory (15 points)

Find ONE photo.                                   
Edit* it in Photoshop TWO ways to show the following:
1.      A COOL color scheme (5 points)
2.      A WARM color scheme (5 points)
3.      Describe EACH of the above photos using descriptive terms. (5 points total)
4.      Make sure your first and last name is on the document, and USE SPELL CHECK.
*Hint: use color channels, levels, saturation, and multiple layers to edit.

Assignment 2: Cropping Review + Composition Application (15 points)

First review the following resource:
Second Analyze:
1.      Choose Three (3) Photos and paste original in Photoshop
2.      Crop all Three (3) photos to be more visually pleasing. Show photo next to the original
3.      Use composition rules & strategies from class notes and above website. Under each edited photo describe what strategy was used to strengthen the composition.
4.      Make sure your first and last name are on the document, and USE SPELL CHECK.

Assignment 3: Analysis of Graphic Design using Color & Composition                 (15 points)

For assignment three you will find flyers, posters or magazine covers/spreads/advertisement or websites that uses one of the following:
Create a PowerPoint. Cut and paste each of the items into PowerPoint into the correctly labeled slide
Slide #’s and labels:
1.       Composition & Color Theory by name, date, class
2.      Rule of thirds
3.      Up-Close focus
4.      Emphasis and Minority
5.      Symmetrical Balance
6.      Asymmetrical Balance
7.      Monochromatic Color Scheme
8.      Warm Color Scheme
9.      Cool Color Scheme
10.  Complimentary Color Scheme
11.  Triadic Color Scheme
12.  Analogous Color Scheme
13.  Write a paragraph describing which your favorite composition is and why. Support using composition and color terminology. Discuss what the message the image sends and how.

Coming Soon!

Quiz over Composition + Color Theory on BubbleScore!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Adobe Design Bi-Weekly Current Event Article

Don't Forget!!! Current Event Articles are due THIS FRIDAY!

 Current Event Articles:

Due Dates: February 3 & 17, March 2, 16, & 29, April 13 & 27, May 11 & 24

          Adobe Design II is a second level course in Graphic Design. As we dive deeper into the functions and purpose of graphic arts in our world, technology is changing around us every day. In order for our students to stay up to date on current trends and push them to tailor their portfolio to their specific academic goals they must be aware of what is happening in the professional realm of graphic design. In preparation for class projects and to meet school, state, and nationwide standards it is vital that students can accurately cite a variety of media. Proper citation is necessary to protect the students’ academic integrity and prepare them professionally. These assignments allow the students to explore and reflect upon articles of interest to them.

The Assignment:
 Current Trends Article : Summarize and Reflect
          Every two weeks (see calendar below) students are required to do the following:     
          READ a current article (no more than 2 months old) relating to graphic design, mass media communications, client-designer relationships, or how graphic design relates to their planned career field. The article may come from a newspaper, magazine, online site/blog, e-zines, etc…. Must be a reliable source.
          Cite the source correctly. The student may use MLA or APA format. Please stay consistent within each assignment. You may use for help.
          Summarize the article in no less than 2 paragraphs. (Do not merely restate the article- it should be equivalent to one full page single spaced word document.) The summary should include the author’s main concern/ points.
          Reflect in 1-2 paragraphs giving your opinion on the items you discussed in the summary. You may also discuss how you plan on using the information in your own design projects, how the information changes your perceptions, etc.

Adobe Design II Extra Credit Ops

Cleveland Post Card Design Competition:
Follow Directions at  Spaces Gallery.  Turn in to Ms. Benson BEFORE submitting to competition. You may use ANY Adobe Products and scan in ANY handmade art as a starting point.

Alphabet Photo Collage:
  • Take your own Photos of items that create "letters" create your own word (at least 5 letters) or create the entire alphabet.
  • Edit Photos in Photoshop. Be sure to crop accordingly, adjust levels etc. 
  • Choose a color scheme or black & white, or sepia tone to unify the photos.
  • Use Grid Method to alight in either Photoshop or InDesign.
  • Send to Ms. Benson in Write Drive so she can print on the Color Laser Jet.


Creative Choice + Community:

Part 1. Attend a school sporting, music, or theater event. Bring ticket or program back with you.
Part 2. Create a project of your own using any of the adobe tools.
            You may choose to ask the teacher/coach in charge of the event if you may photograph the event, team, or cast. You may use the resulting photography for the project.
            You may create a full color project that is a:
-         review of the event
-         newsletter for the event
-         magazine spread or cover
-         yearbook page
-         digital “scrapbook” page
-         Upcoming Event Flyer
Be sure to include:
            Information about the group, dates of the event, some sort of information (visual or text) about the event. 

Examples below: A Photo Collage of a Sports Team, Street Choir Event Poster, Snowboard Club Scrapbook Page



Typography Shapes:

Using your knowledge of typography, and masking, create a text montoge inside a sillohette. Create full letter page size.